Chris Ting Projects


A collection of various games, research, XR, and rendering projects I've worked on over the years. Feel free to contact me if you're interested in learning more!

Bounty Heart May 2022

Advanced Game Project Capstone

Bounty Heart is a match 3 mobile mobile rougelike. I led the engineering team on this project for my senior capstone project at USC Games. It demoed at the USC Games Expo 2022!

Did some heavy prototyping with the design team to get figure out gameplay systems and tooling for the game. Got weekly builds ready for faculty review and showcased to industry professionals at Rockstar Games.

Since the game is a roguelike, a lot of my work went into developing a robust ability framework so designers could easily add different variations of enemies required for a rougelike. The system is based around Unity’s ScriptableObjects systema for tooling and For Honor’s modifier-based ability system (GDC talk can be found here).

Links: Steam, Trailer

Bounty Heart preview image

Chinatown AR May 2022

AR Portal into LA's historic Chinatown

The Chinatown AR project embeds historical images of LA’s Chinatown into their original locations, and will be available to the public as an AR experience.

Users can use their iOS devices to navigate around LA’s Union Station, and use AR portals to view the historical images superimposed on the site of the original buildings.

In parternship with the USC School of Cinematic Arts, Chinese Historical Society of Southern California, LA Metro, The Huntington, and The Huntington-USC Institute on California and the West (ICW)

Links: Video Demo

Chinatown AR preview image

Pelota May 2021

Advanced Game Project Capstone

Pelota is a 2v2 online multiplayer game that is based off of an old mespotamian ball game. This developed along with four other engineers, and a wider team that totalled to over a dozen people. It was showcased at the USC Games Expo 2021!

I joined as an engineer on a senior capstone project as a junior. I did a lot of prototyping with the design team to get the game feel right, specifically around player and camera movement. I also did a lot of work with the Mirror networking library to setup networked multiplayer and Steam matchmaking.

Links: Trailer,

Pelota preview image

Software Renderer August 2020

CPU Based Rasterizer

This renderer is a completely CPU-driven software rasterizer, with no graphics APIs and minimal dependencies. It simulates many parts of the graphics pipeline, including culling, triangle rasterization, and vertex & pixel shaders.

I built this software renderer with the intention of learning more about the behind-the-scenes process of rasterization and how pixels get rendered onto the screen. My goal was to build as much of it as possible, and use as little 3rd-party dependencies as possbile.

Some key features that ended up in the renderer include a custom .OBJ file parser, facet normal backface culling, Physically-based rendering, Blinn-Phong Shading, frustum culling, normal mapping and edge function based triangle rasterization.

Software Renderer preview image

Frog Frenzy December 2020

Game Prototyping Final Project

Frog Frenzy is a 2D grid based game where the you play as a frog trying to collect powerful hats that alllow the player to kill the various moving enemies in the game. The game was developed over a course of three weeks for a prototyping class with game feel features like screen-shake in mind.

I developed a lot of the extensible gameplay systems, including a ScriptableObject based solution to power-ups for all the different hats the frog can wear!


Frog Frenzy preview image

Highway Hell October 2020

Newbies and Vet Game Jam 2020

Highway Hell is an endless runner game developed for the 2020 Newbies and Vets Game Jam. We had a team of almost a dozen people, many with little-to-no game dev or Unity experience. It ended up winning the grand prize!

I led the team on code architecturing, bugfixing, and developing the endless runner gameplay systems.


Highway Hell preview image

Tree Maze VR December 2017

Self Published iOS VR Game

Tree Maze VR was conceptualized at the summer VR academy Summer@Brown. The goal of the three week program was to create any type of VR experience, but I wanted my efforts on creating a playable demo game. I ended up teaching myself Unity and Blender to create the first prototype.

The project was then expanded on over the next few months of fall semester in 2017. I added multiple new systems such as input, event, and sound systems. The project was also converted into a stylized forest environment. At the beginning of 2019 it was published to the iOS App Store where it has since achieved over 2500 downloads.

Tree Maze VR preview image